BC travelling exhibit in Cowichan
The BC travelling exhibit on "BC's Marevellous Mushrooms" is at the Cowichan Valley Museum until March. Reports in the Chemainus Valley Courier and the Cowichan Valley Citizen.
The BC travelling exhibit on "BC's Marevellous Mushrooms" is at the Cowichan Valley Museum until March. Reports in the Chemainus Valley Courier and the Cowichan Valley Citizen.
BC Museum is releasing a video in its This Week in History series about its new travelling exhibit on mushrooms. The CHEK news report from November 15, 2021 contains the video. The panels of the display, which is currently at the Swan Lake Nature Sanctuary, can be seen in this report.
A good article (Guardian, 11 Nov 2021) by a writer who really knows the subject that she is writing about.
Mushrooms of British Columbia is now the #1 bestseller in BC! Canada-wide, it's #5.
At the recent mushroom festival in Bamfield, guides (l. to r.) Kem Luther, Juliet Pendray, and Andy MacKinnon demonstrate their perfect consensus about where to find mushrooms. Photo by James Holkko.
On September 12, the new Mushrooms of British Columbia (BC Museum Books, 2021) was officially launched at a book signing at Munro's Books in Victoria, BC. Pictures by Thor Henrich, with permission.
Refugees endangered by unfamiliar mushroomsGuardian, September, 2021.
"After teaming up with some big names in consumer products, including L'Oreal and Nestle, the company recently announced that it has produced the world's first food-grade PET plastic bottles produced entirely from enzymatically recycled plastic." BBC News, 30 July 2021"
"The fight for the right to use and possess magic mushrooms for medical purposes could be headed to Federal Court in a case that echoes the early efforts to legalize the medicinal use of cannabis. The Tyee, 5 July 2021.